I know there are lot of calendar printables available on the web, but I’ve always struggled to find something clean, simple and customizable for my needs. So I decided to make my own monthly calendar printable and offer it as a free printable for download. At first it looks like any other calendar printable, but don’t be fooled!
The PDF calendar I have created has editable form fields! So when you open it up, it has November 2016 as I’ve put in for now, but you can edit every single one of the text fields in each box. It will be easy to update for each month that you need and make your own calendar printable.
It’s like having a blank calendar template, only you can type in the month, weekdays and numbers – instead of handwriting it.
I like being able to have a clean calendar when planning schedules and making notes regarding my kids’ schedules. Not only did I want a simple layout for my monthly calendar view, I’m also a monday start kind of calendar girl. In addition, I don’t like it when the end of the month has day 30 or 31 overlapping with the week before, hence the six rows of boxes. I would rather have the extra row and more space… so even if the calendar year doesn’t need it, I can use the extra boxes for other notes and future events. The blank left column also allows for notes of the month. Finally, there’s no watermark in this printable, because let’s face it – when it comes to calendars it’s already chock full of information, the cleaner and neater it can be, the better. And if you don’t want extra white space, you can always decorate it up!
Download the customizable, editable PDF in your preferred paper size below:
Would love to know if you find this printable helpful. Enjoy and happy planning!
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